
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Someone at Stouffer's LEAN Cuisine messed up

I found these at the store tonight...The "Teriyaki" box shows the chicken on a bed of noodles; The "Chow Mein" box shows the chicken on a bed of rice??? Hmmm, do they know what Chow Mein or Teriyaki is?

From Wikipedia:
Chow mein (also known as chao mian in Chinese-speaking communities) is a generic Chinese term for a dish of stir-fried noodles, of which there are many varieties.
Also from Wikipedia:
Teriyaki (kanji: き; hiragana: てりやき) is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled in a sweet soy sauce marinade (tare in Japanese).

*Notice how the chicken in the "Chow Mein" box looks like it has a teriyaki sauce on it...while the "Teriyaki" box, above, appears to be lacking the teriyaki.

Hmmm, Stouffer's needs a little quality control?


Adrianna said...

Something I never would have noticed!
I do notice lack QC in G's though... But I don't think there's much one can do about that- who would you write? Monson?

JoeFlyer said...

You stumped me...not sure what G's are?

Adrianna said...

Slang for underclothes.

JoeFlyer said...

Oooooo, thanks for the 411 :)